Smart cities are a dream that can impact the lives of billions of people around the world, and they are rapidly becoming a reality.
In the smart city of the future, urban infrastructure will be interconnected. Connected devices will be everywhere, from buses and cars to street lights, all linked to the network via the Internet of Things (IoT). Water and power grids will be equipped with smart sensors. All of this should make our urban spaces more efficient, convenient, less polluting, safer, and more livable.
In a smart city, a network of sensors, cameras, wireless devices, and data centers forms the critical infrastructure that enables citizens to deliver essential services in a faster and more efficient manner.
Among these, sensing is at the heart of the smart infrastructure. Sensors are a hidden but ubiquitous component of the urban landscape and are an essential part of any intelligent control system.
In the middle, the future smart city mainly uses four major sensor technologies to extend its smart functions – electronic sensors, infrared sensors, thermal sensors, and proximity sensors & LIDAR sensors.
1) Electronic sensors.
Electronic sensors are deployed in environmental monitoring sensors and speedometer sensors, which are typically used in smart cities to perform various tasks such as monitoring power and current levels for fault detection.
ii) Infrared sensors.
Infrared sensors help in generating data without bias in dynamic and unstable environments, thus aiding decision making in smart cities. Radar sensors can be used to analyze important archaeological site information using complex computer data.
(iii) Thermal sensors.
Thermal sensors precisely track energy distribution, while other smart sensors manage demand-side energy. Thus, smart grid sensors help to improve energy efficiency.
(iv) Proximity sensors and LIDAR sensors.
Proximity sensors and LIDAR sensors can help develop automated vehicle systems, which are critical to making cities completely smart.
In smart cities, monitoring becomes more and more important. Stoneitech’s LCD module plays a very good role in the monitoring field.